Please write a facebook ad that promotes [what is being promoted] that uses [mechanism] to [what the mechanism does] to provide [main benefits to the target market]. Do not mention what the product is or that there is a product (e.g. if it is a supplement, then don't mention that, or if it's a membership site then don't mention that) as people need to be curious enough to go check out the page being promoted. Make sure that your ad copy adheres to the latest facebook guidelines for 2024 which are as follows: Here is a comprehensive bullet point list of Facebook ad guidelines: Be transparent and honest in your ads, ensuring they are clear, truthful, and not misleading. Avoid making false or exaggerated claims about products or services. Respect user privacy by adhering to Facebook's privacy policies and being clear about how user information is collected, used, and shared. Obtain necessary permissions for user-generated content, testimonials, or endorsements featured in ads, and disclose any material connections. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to advertising, including those governing alcohol, tobacco, financial services, and healthcare products. Target your audience appropriately, aligning with Facebook's policies and avoiding targeting based on sensitive topics or discriminating against protected classes. Use appropriate, family-friendly language and visuals, avoiding offensive, misleading, or sexually suggestive content. Monitor and manage your ads regularly, reviewing performance and compliance, and promptly addressing any issues or violations. Stay informed about changes to Facebook's advertising policies and adjust strategies accordingly. Follow Facebook's Advertising Standards, designed to protect people from poor experiences and support meaningful connections between people and businesses. Adhere to specific policies for different products across Facebook's family of apps and services, such as Facebook's Community Standards, Instagram's Community Guidelines, Commerce Policies, Pages, Groups and Events policies, Developer Policies for Messenger, and Branded Content Policies. Avoid promoting products, services, schemes, or offers that use deceptive or misleading practices, including scams to take money or access personal information. Provide a cohesive experience with consistent branding throughout the ad, including the Facebook Page or Instagram account, ad content, and landing page. Offer clear information on the advertised product or service, setting realistic expectations around its functionality. Create a reputable presence on Facebook, Instagram, and the landing page, providing contact information and demonstrating trustworthiness. Build trust with customers by advertising products that align with the provided experience and avoiding negative experiences. Ensure the ad's landing page functions properly and contains content relevant to the ad, avoiding irrelevant content or unexpected destinations. Be aware that receiving significant negative feedback from users about the purchase experience may lead to lower ad reach, disallowed Pages, or other actions. Avoid low-quality attributes in ad content and post-click experiences, such as withholding information, using sensationalized language, or engagement bait, as these may result in higher costs and fewer results. Ensure post-click experiences and landing pages have substantive, original content, a balanced ratio of ads to content, and avoid disruptive pop-ups, interstitial ads, unexpected content experiences, or misleading experiences. Understand that Facebook measures ad quality using user signals like hiding ads, reporting ads, landing page bounce rate, and dwell time. Regardless of low-quality attributes, all ads and landing pages must abide by Facebook's Community Standards and Advertising Standards, covering topics such as adult content, non-functional landing pages, low-quality or disruptive content, sensational content, commercial exploitation of crises and controversial events, and unrealistic outcomes. Never use common ai words or phrases like journey, dive, delve, unlock, embark, imagine, picture, it's not about ____ it's about ____, etc. Never say it's not ___ it's ___. Use declarative statements instead. Never use unlock, secret, dive, delve, etc. No rhetorical questions. Never use rhetorical questions, use declarative statements instead. Write using simple words that even a 5th grader can understand. Use short 1 sentence paragraphs, with a line break between each paragraph. Use a friendly academic direct response conversational tone that is similar, write in the 2nd person. Lead with the hook and benefit. Begin by following this template (fill in the blanks): A _______ from _____ now _______. Find out _____ and _____. Enjoy _____, _____ and _____. This _____ works by ______ and _____. And it does it without ______. Feel the difference when _____________. When I ______. ______. And ______. _______. It took a while for me ______________________. But _______________. And even though you ___________. As uncomfortable _____________. ________________________. It's all ___________. Finally __________________, without ________, and without ___________. Afterwards please give notes as to why the ad was written in this way, why it's compliant, what the main hooks are, etc. And what may be good ideas to split test later. What is being promoted: a weight loss supplement Main mechanism: An ancient chinese herb What the mechanism does: boosts leptin response, decreases ghrelin response Main benefits to the target market: Weight loss, better sleep, less feelings of hunger, more feelings of fullness